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What Makes Korean Sunscreen So Damn Good?

Laura Kasting

Have you ever browsed the aisles of your favourite cosmetic store like Sephora or Ulta and noticed that there isn't a "sunscreen" section?

Sure some brands have added SPF to their bb creams and moisturizers but I'm talking sunscreen.

Now think for a second where you would go to purchase a sunscreen? Shoppers Drug Mart, Costco, maybe Rexall, or Target, just to name a few. That is because in Canada and the US, sunscreen is regulated under the drug act, not the cosmetic act. Now, from an outsiders perspective, yes, it’s good that Health Canada and the FDA maintain rigorous safety measures, however, in my opinion they're a little outdated...

So lets dig into why Korean sunscreens are so good.

Korea has more innovative UV filters

Quick chemistry lesson. So sunscreen works by stopping two types of ultraviolet rays—UVA and UVB—from penetrating the skin. The ingredients that stop the ultraviolet rays are called filters, and there are two types: physical and chemical. Physical sunscreen (a.k.a. mineral) sit on top of the skin and block both UVA and UVB rays, and chemical sunscreen absorbs UVA/B rays. Unfortunately, in Canada and the US, many mineral sunscreens leave behind a white cast and a lot of chemical sunscreens can make your skin feel greasy and cause acne flare ups. Not for it....

This is because Health Canada and the FDA havn’t approved any new UV filters for some time—since 1999, to be exact, explains Dr. Kim.

“In Europe and Korea, or the rest of Asia, sunscreen is considered a cosmetic product, so it's not as regulated,” he says. “But in Canada and the US it's considered a medication. So they want to make sure that it's safe and that all the testing has been done.”

Yes, it’s good that our regulatory bodies maintain rigorous safety measures, but sometimes it can feel like we're falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to sunscreen. Right now, Health Canada has approved 17 sunscreen filters. Brands in the European Union and Korean market have over 30 sunscreen filter options. These innovative filters mean that Korean sunscreens have non-greasy, non comedogenic (acne safe), and lightweight formulas that hydrate your skin while simulatneously stop you from looking like Casper the Ghost.

Lighter, less greasy, more effective sunscreen exists. So what’s the hold up?

It turns out there’s a big barrier, a legislative and bureaucratic one, that is blocking innovation and it's a very long process to get those rules and regulations updated.

So for the foreseeable future, do your own research and buy from reputable sources that you trust.

Hope you learned something new!

Love LK


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